Our delivery rates are not including liftgate delivery. We don't build them into the cost because it is not necessary in 90% of all deliveries. In most cases, the boxes are easily removed from the pallet and lifted down. A pallet that weighs 400lbs is typically not 1 box weighing 400lbs. It might be a pallet weighing 50lbs and various 20-50lb boxes.
If you feel the need for a liftgate delivery for whatever circumstances, please add this service to checkout.
Liftgate delivery provides for the pallet to be lowered from the back of the truck to the ground and then moved with a pallet jack on even surfaces (around 10-20ft). This does not provide for any labor in lifting boxes. Pallet jacks cannot roll over steps, gravel, in a door, up a hill, or over dirt.
Liftgate deliveries will delay arrival times since fewer trucks are equipped with a liftgate. This is typically only 1-2 day delay.
Our $79 is a reduced rate from the $125-150 normally charged. If you add it at delivery, Fedex will bill you directly and at their prevailing rates. NOTE: Tables longer than 220cm will not fit on the liftgate and require hand removal anyway. Also, hidden in freight language is a clause that says if an item is damaged being unloaded by the freight company, they are not liable. You might say how can that be if they charge for liftgate and they damaged it? That is not a question for us, but a question for the freight company. This is in their rules tariff whether it is Fedex, UPS, Dayton, Conway, etc.
We do not offer white glove service. Please keep in mind, our delivery is fast and efficient. White glove delivery normally takes 2-5 weeks for delivery - and sometimes longer. Do you really want to wait 2-5 weeks with a seasonal product?