This is the hospitality version. It has the same construction quality as the more expensive b-grade version, but in less expensive teak.
If you would like to order 2 chairs, then buy the b-grade version.
This Shelia Premium SS chair adds (4) advantages to its standard version counterpart- 1) when folded, the chair can sit on its feet in an upright position 2) the addition of a longer back piece which transfers weight to the frame 3) additional horizontal support members 4) the longer legs allow the person to sit forward distributing the weight in the front half - read Amazon's reviews on the cheap versions.
Most folding chairs on the market are the standard version.
The four advantages include helping to store and pack the folding chair when not in use. The ability for the chair to fold upright and not have the seat flop forward due to short legs is an advantage in packing and storage. In addition, the design and function of the back seat piece serves a pivotal role in allowing more weight in the seat. It also transfers and distributes seat weight to the frame versus having the back piece absorb the full stress on a small bar. And finally, the basic use of the chair and not having it fly backwards when not fully seated.
New upgraded stainless steel PIN versus METAL WIRE. It's a big improvement you'll never see. If anyone claims to have a similar pin, we challenge them to show the proof. Watch the video and learn about the pin. New in 2023 is full-machine construction on all joints. The updated video will follow later in the year.
This chair is as close to commercial-grade as you can get in a folding chair of this design.
Shelia Premium Stainless
Width: 18" Depth: 25" Height: 35" Inside Seat Width: 15.75" Inside Seat Depth: 14.75" Seat Height from ground: 18" in front and gradually sloping to back of ~17.5" Dimensions vary slightly
- Includes the availability to stack tighter, easier, and with less trouble.